Filming has just commenced on Matt Damon's fourth Jason Bourne movie, and producer Frank Marshall tweeted a photo to commemorate the end of day one.

As the sun goes down in the background, Damon stands front and center, surrounded by members of the crew. He appears to be wrapping bandages around his wrists, boxer style, after what was likely a long day of shooting. Six-pack, pecs and biceps fully on display, 44-year-old Damon no doubt engaged in some physical training to prepare for returning to his most successful role.

Nothing is known about the currently-untitled movie's plot; only the talent involved. Paul Greengrass, who helmed the second and third Bourne films (widely regarded as the best in the series) is back in the director's chair, co-writing the new flick with Damon himself (before you scoff, don't forget that Damon is an Academy Award-winning screenwriter). Julia Stiles reprises her role as Nicky, Tommy Lee Jones will be doing his Fugitive thing as some kind of government agent and Damon's Ocean's 12 co-star Vincent Cassel and Man From U.N.C.L.E. co-star Alicia Vikander are on board as unknown characters.

Unless it's an artifact of the backlighting in Marshall's photo, it looks like Damon may be letting a little gray come through in his hair near his temples. Whether that's the actor's real hair or something colored for the movie, it's probably there to signify how much the character has aged and changed since he was last seen. By the time this movie is released, it will have been nine long years since the last time Jason Bourne graced the silver screen.

Universal plans to have the movie in theaters on July 29, 2016.

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