Meta and Google are recently spotted to be offering film and production studios from Hollywood with AI licensing deal propositions amounting to millions of dollars. 

This is because these companies want to license the content, data, and information from these companies, which are protected by copyrights and trademarks, to improve their AI models.

Significant amounts of money are offered to these studios for the separate offers of these Big Tech companies best known for their massive focus on AI. 

Meta, Google Offer AI Licensing Deals to Film, Production Studios

AI Licensing

(Photo: Max Harlynking from Unsplash)
Meta and Google are moving their crosshairs to film, production, and Hollywood studios to strike a deal with licensing their content and data for AI model training in the future, according to Bloomberg

This new ordeal centers on "tens of millions of dollars." Meta and Google waved to these companies in hopes of partnering with them to improve their AI tech. 

There is still no official word from Google and Meta regarding these new offers for studios and companies, centering on its goals to improve their video generation via AI. 

There are massive concerns about AI infiltrating video editing and generation, with the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes known to be among the biggest strikes against it. 

Read Also: OpenAI Strengthens ChatGPT's News Content by Joining Forces With News Corp.

Hollywood Content for AI Model Training?

The report claimed that companies like Netflix and Disney have declined the use of their content for AI training but are not shutting down possible collaborative work for other deals.

On the other hand, Warner Bros. Discovery is reportedly considering these deals but only for some of its content. 

Google's VEO, a text-to-video AI model, was recently unveiled. Meta is on the verge of developing AI-generated video, which is believed to be the application of these licensing deal offers. 

AI Content Licensing for Training

Artificial intelligence (AI) tech from massive companies is a blank canvas, and they first started on the internet's massive collection of data to train their generative AI models to give answers to every question possible.

However, some reports believe internet data is running out for AI companies to train their models. 

AI companies face various scrutiny in modern times where AI models are present, and this is because there are alleged claims behind unlicensed or unconsented data use for training.

 Various organizations and individuals have stepped up against this with massive lawsuits, and recently, a global screenwriter's guild has sought to crack down on these happenings. 

Lawsuits and reports of massive internet data access for copyrighted content have been rampant for some time, but developments show that licensing deals are happening from all sides.

Meta and Google are among those seeking Hollywood studios' content and data for AI model training with massive deals, but they have yet to make headway.

Related Article: Sony Music Warns 700+ Tech Firms: Don't Train AI on Our Music Without Permission

Isaiah Richard

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