ScienceWhy Are There Mysterious, Gaping Holes In The Antarctic Ice? For years, scientists have wondered about the huge holes suddenly appearing on sea ice. To solve the mystery, a team used floating robots, satellites, and seals outfitted with tiny hat-like sensors on their Naia Carlos
ScienceNewly Discovered Volcanic Heat Source Under Antarctic Glacier Is Half As Hot As Iceland’s Most Active Volcanoby Nicole Arce
ScienceAntarctica's Underwater Ice Is Retreating 5 Times Faster Than Previously Thoughtby Jean-Pierre Chigne
ScienceMantle Plume Nearly As Hot As Yellowstone Supervolcano Heats Antarctica From Belowby Sami Ghanmi
ScienceRare ‘Dragon Skin’ Spotted In Antarctica: Why Does This Kind Of Sea Ice Occur?by Alexandra Lozovschi
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