Business TechGemalto Claims SIM Cards Are Safe. Experts Disagree Security experts challenge Gemalto’s results of its “thorough” investigation of the Edward Snowden assertion that millions of SIM cards were breached by the GCHQ with help from the Nicole Arce
NSA Chief: Edward Snowden Leaks Hurt US Counterterroism Efforts And Surveillance Capabilitiesby Judy Mottl
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Naughty or Nice? NSA Releases Report on 12 Years of Secret (and Improper) Surveillance on Americansby Rhodi Lee
TechRegin Malware May Have Been Spying on Computers Since 2008: How Did It Escape Detection?by Nicole Arce
TechUS Government Is Spying on Criminal Suspects (and You) with Flying Fake Cell Towersby Christian de Looper
Google App 'AI Mode' For Android Lets Users 'Talk' Directly to Search, Multimodal Capabilities Available