After successfully traveling around the country over the past several months, the Microsoft HoloLens roadshow has finally landed in a semipermanent state in New York City. That means that those folks interested in seeing just what kind of experiences Microsoft’s stab at “holographic images” generated have just one place to visit for the foreseeable future.

The company’s set to give demonstrations of the device and its various capabilities to developers in specific sessions at the Microsoft Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Though reportedly set to exist for several months, the sessions currently available via the booking system only extend so far as the end of December — and every single one of those is full, with what is surely a lengthy waiting list attached. Those still interested can sign up for said waiting list so long as they’re 17 or older.

The Verge describes the tour as not “designed at giving anyone a deeper look.” Though there are several apps to experience, no great amount of time is spent on any of them. While unfortunate, this is also not terribly shocking. Previous demos and videos have received some criticism about what exactly they’re showing versus the reality of what the HoloLens depicts. The field of view is something that several those actually trying the thing out this past year pointed to as disappointing. It looks like the current version of the HoloLens continues this tradition

Several accounts also note that getting the device to actually project the holograms at all requires careful measuring of the distance between the user’s pupils in a process described as similar to getting fitted for glasses. Basically, it needs to know how to present the images in 3D or it won’t work correctly. Word is that Microsoft intends to make the process automatic before releasing HoloLeds to the public, but time will tell. For now, there’s a neat, but flawed, Microsoft augmented reality project to play with in New York City.

Source: The Verge

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