Last year, Simpsons executive producer Al Jean let loose a major spoiler that a beloved character on the long-running animated series would be killed off. Speculations abounded on who the character might be. Many theorized that it would either be the father of the family, Homer Simpson, or Krusty the Clown.

Finally, during the season premiere last night, the show finally said goodbye to a non-regular but still important character from the show.

Warning, spoilers ahead for those who have not yet watched the Simpsons episode entitled, "Clown in the Dumps."

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski, voiced by Jackie Mason who won an Emmy Award for his role as the father of Krusty the Clown, kicked the bucket in the episode, which also had Lisa Simpson questioning the health choices of her own father and how that will affect the longevity of his life.

Even the famous opening credits of the show, which change constantly depending on the season of the year, or even current events, were altered to suit theme of the episode. Death was in the air first with Ned Flanders appearing as an angel, Lisa playing a harp instead of her signature saxophone, and Bart Simpson writing a huge spoiler on the black board: Unfortunately, my dad doesn't die.

During the episode, Krusty is flamed by fellow comedians like real-life comics Sarah Silverman and Jeffrey Ross. Feeling down about his comedy career, Krusty turns to his father, who was introduced to the series in Season 3 as a man who at first did not accept his son as a clown, but eventually welcomed him back.

"You've always been ehhhh," Rabbi Krustofski said of his son's comedy career. Unfortunately, he didn't finish his sentence since he died before his thought was finished.

Krusty questions his career even more and even decides to quit show business. But, by the end of the episode, Bart is able to help pull his idol back together and put on his makeup and wig as Krusty the Clown again. Instead of sadness and questions over his father's sudden death, Krusty looks forward to the day he will see him again in heaven.

In the "Jewish heaven" sequence of the episode, many Jewish entertainers who have passed away are featured, including a last-minute addition of Joan Rivers, who died earlier this month.

As for future episodes with the award-winning actor Jackie Mason as Rabbi Hyman Krustofski, Jean says that cameos are possible in dream sequences or flashbacks (like in the case of "Bleeding Gums" Murphy, who appeared to Lisa in times of need after he passed away), but the character will not be miraculously brought back to life.

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