Bethesda has officially updated Doom to version 6.66, which, to the delight of its fans, unlocks the game's entire multiplayer DLC and makes it available for free. That includes maps, weapons, demons, and equipment. Version 6.66 also overhauls the multiplayer progression system, in addition to bringing several changes across the board.

Doom 6.66 Makes All Multiplayer DLC Free

Released in the second half of 2016, Unto the Evil, Hell Followed, and Bloodfall will all be free in Doom version 6.66. These include, in total, nine whole maps, three weapons, and playable demons — not to mention armor customization options and special abilities.

All the aforementioned DLC is included in Doom's Season Pass, which costs $39.99.

Doom 6.66: Improved Unlocking System

In the previous version, guns, weapons, and other elements unlocked by random, but with 6.66, everything will be tied to level requirements or certain challenges. This essentially means that players can focus on certain challenges to get what they want specifically, rather than waiting to get lucky.

"Now, if there's a specific helmet you want, you can work toward unlocking it by focusing your play style on the related challenge," said Doom director Marty Stratton in a blog post.

What's more, veteran Doom players can either keep their unlocked items or volunteer to fully reset just to try how the new progression works. Essentially, that means everyone will be able to reset to their game should they prefer it that way. But don't fret, veteran players: you'll get yourselves a special badge honoring your time spent with the game, and an additional badge will be given to those who managed to reach the max Slayer level.

Other changes include a brand-new Runes System, which replaces the previous Hack Module System. Runes are basically persistent abilities that don't need activation and won't expire. You can find out about the other more minor changes by reading Bethesda's blog post, which details HUD improvements, kill card revisions, revised post-match summaries, and other UI and graphical changes.

Doom Free Trial And Discount

Bethesda has also slashed Doom's price to $14.99, but only when you're purchasing it digitally. Players who own a PC or an Xbox One or both may also try the game over a free weekend, which begins Thursday, July 20 at noon. Not to be left out, however, are PlayStation 4 players, who will also try the game beginning Thursday, July 27 at noon.

The free trial contains Doom's first couple of levels and unlimited play in its multiplayer mode. Should you end up purchasing the full game, all the progression racked up during the free trial can be transferred to the full version.

Doom is available now for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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