There are two kinds of people in this world: the people who get stuck on an elevator and lose all semblance of sanity, and the people who get stuck on an elevator and remain chill about it.

This video has one of each. We don't know exactly who these individuals are, where it happened or when, we just know that they got stuck on an elevator for a long time. Long enough that one of them — who, let's face it, was already unhinged long before he stepped on that elevator — throws common sense to the wind, kind of like...

The crazy man, whose name is apparently Jesus, starts out okay. But as the minutes pass, it's not long before he's banging on the metal walls, mashing the buzzer over and over ad nauseum, screaming curses at anyone and everyone outside the elevator, and belting out random made-up songs at the top of his lungs.

That really happens.

The chill guy, whose name is Nick (if his YouTube page is accurate), takes most of it in stride. He even has the presence of mind to whip out his phone and record his fellow passenger's maniacal meltdown, which we will always be eternally grateful for. But eventually Nick feels an asthma attack coming on, and wouldn't you know it: he doesn't have his inhaler. (It probably doesn't help that he smokes a cigarette in the first video.) But even in panic mode, this dude stays very low key. He actually chuckles at his dangerously demented companion a few times, and frequently stares into the camera with shocked amusement.

The situation is just like...

Nicely done, Nick.

Oh, and his delivery of the word "yeah" is audio gold every time it comes out of his mouth.

Nick has been posting his videos of his time stuck in the elevator with Jesus since sometime yesterday, and it's become something of a phenomenon on Reddit, where redditors are hungrily awaiting each new video to see what happens next. Nick claims to have split his recordings into a total of five videos and is still in the process of uploading the last few at the time of this writing.

But what's already there is priceless (and embedded below). Jesus' special brand of crazy could be a case study in extreme claustrophobia.

Or maybe he's just a good old fashioned psychopath.

If it weren't so scary, it would be hilarious.

Note: due to frequent bursts of enraged profanity, these videos are NSFW.

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