It could be a long way to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, basing from a study done in Spain showing that the concept of "herd immunity" in "unachievable."

CNN reported that there is a study on antibodies done in Spain, and revealed only five percent were able to develop antibodies while the other 95 percent remained prone to the virus. 

In other words, what epidemiologists suggested as several individuals possibly getting immune from the virus is now a myth. 

(Photo : engin akyurt / Unsplash)
This concept is impossible to achieve, study shows.

Herd immunity and COVID-19 

However, in order to achieve "herd immunity," mathematical graphs show that at least around 60 to 70 percent of individuals must be immune from the COVID-19 virus for this to happen. However, this is not the case.

Health specialists say there are two paths toward herd immunity against the coronavirus, and these are infection and vaccines. The latter is touted the ideal approach, but the effects may deteriorate over time. Infection is the second approach, but because there is still several information unknown about the virus, the level of immunity to future infections is still being studied. 

According to Mayo Clinic, "Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population - more than 200 million people - would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic."

Having said this, health experts believe that maintaining good public health measures is necessary to achieve maximum results, even if herd immunity is close to impossibility. 

For Isabella Eckerle, head of the Geneva Center of Emerging Viral Diseases, and Benjamin Meyer, University of Geneva virologist, the approaches to herd immunity is not only unethical but also is "unachievable."

The study was reportedly conducted over a nationwide representative sampling with more than 61,000 respondents. It provides an addition to a previous study in Geneva which involved 2,766 respondents. .

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More COVID-19 updates 

With more cases unfolding each day, the White House on Monday claimed the U.S. is a worldwide "leader" in the fight against the coronavirus. The infections nationwide are about to reach three million. It remains to be the country with the most number of daily fresh cases.

"I think the world is looking at us as a leader in COVID-19," the White House press secretary revealed. 

If going to be asked about controlling the infections, the country has not succeeded in this yet, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci and included in his comments for the Congress. The EU maintains travel restrictions and regulations for those traveling to the United States.

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The states of Arizona, Florida, and Texas are changing up plans and reopening the economy, balancing this out in line with the rising infections. There are businesses that have reopened but at the same time, they are managing these new cases.

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