First timers and some gamers are wondering how to play on Rebirth Island and how to get to the new map in Warzone. The thing is, it involves the Resurgence Trios option that can be seen in the menu.

It is easy to sort out when you know exactly where to go. Rebirth Island is a new map and it is a small one. It is also part of a seasonal event so it is still not clear how long it might be around. So how can you get there while you still can?

How to play Rebirth Island in Warzone?

Despite the Rebirth Event section of the game menu, it is not going to help you go anywhere. The section just lists the rewards and the challenges that you can unlock as you play. Currently, the only way that a player can access Rebirth Island is by tapping on the Resurgence Trios option.

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The Resurgence Trios mode will get you free redeploys and you will also get few other rules in order to change the gameplay on the map.

You will find reusable supply boxes, as well as the free respawns, and enemy kills will highlight the opposition's team-members on the map for a short period, according to

There will also be some short matches as the island is minute compared to Verdasnk. Because of the size of the circle closes in really fast, don't get too comfortable in a hole. Look at the view as you fly so you can get a feel for the game scale.

Also, prepare for a lot of medium range fighting and don't forget the supply boxes that can be reused. This means that you can keep grabbing gear for as long as you survive.

Resurgence Trios is currently the only way that you can access the island at the moment, but there are other options that will be coming. If you find Rebirth Island not available through the trios option, you can check the other choices to see if it is relocated somewhere else.

Selecting "Plunder Trios" or "Battle Royal" will take you to Warzone's first map, Verdansk. It is also rumored that Verdansk is going to be around until Spring 2021 when Treyarch will swap it out for a new and larger Warzone map, according to

What is Black Ops Cold War?

Season One is the first multiplayer update for the latest "Call of Duty" game, Black Ops Cold War. It merges Cold War with "Call fo Duty" free-to-play battle royal game mode, Warzone.

The progression and stats of the players are now synchronized across both titles. Treyarch talked about Season One as the massive free content release in the history of Black Ops.

Season One also introduces major changes to both Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. Warzone has a new map and mode, and it has two new Gulag battlegrounds for players.

Rebirth Island is second map to be added to the battle royal game. It was first introduced in March 2020. It is smaller than Verdasnk, with fewer players per game.

Warzone players also benefit from the addition of more than 30 Black Ops Cold War weapons. Players can access Warzone from both the Modern Warfare and Cold War menus.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Sieeka Khan

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