(Photo : Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash)

Microsoft is warning two billion Google Chrome users that they are at the risk of having their privacy and security compromised while promoting their own browser, Microsoft Edge. With that, Microsoft is warning users whenever they want to download Chrome.

Google Chrome Saw 'More Successful Browser Hacks' During the Mid-2021

Despite already having over two billion users around the world, Chrome has had quite a tough year in July, as Google confirmed in its blog post that it had seen more successful browser hacks during the mid-2021 compared to the whole 2020. Now, more warnings are being issued to users or potential users from an unexpected source.

Microsoft has been sending warning notifications whenever users try to download Google Chrome. To add, according to the story by Forbes, the company is warning its users over privacy, security, and trust concerns that come with Google's browser.

Microsoft Warns About 'Dangers' of Using Google Chrome

Microsoft is now leveraging its billion-strong Window user base in order to warn about the "dangers" of using Google Chrome. To expand, as spotted by Neowin, Microsoft is actually pushing a number of warnings from serious to mildly humorous in order to stop Windows from installing Chrome.

Aside from warnings, Microsoft is also trying to promote its very own Edge browser, saying that it comes "with the added trust of Microsoft" while delivering "more privacy." According to Forbes, ultimately, the main motivation of Microsoft when it comes to the issue is marketing despite still having a strong argument when it comes to privacy.

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Windows 11 Switch from Edge to Chrome

This promotion comes at a time when Microsoft has locked down elements of Windows 11 which would make it harder for users to switch from Edge to Chrome, according to an article by The Verge. To add, Windows searches will always default to Microsoft's browser and the company is now forcing users to individually set the default browser for ten different types of links and files making it an added hassle.

In fact, third party tools just like Edge Deflector have now become popular as a way for users to combat the increased discouragement by Microsoft. To add, Google is also doing something similar with the company also trying to push users away from using Microsoft's Bing search engine in favor of Google searches. With that being said, Microsoft has also stepped things up by issuing a level of new warnings.

As per the article by Forbes, needless to say, loyalists of Chrome will not really be phased out by Microsoft's alerts but they could cause concern for some of the less tech-savvy users. The article notes that it is quite interesting to see how and if Google will respond to the issues.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

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