Couples today are becoming more and more creative about announcing that they are expecting. Instead of just sharing the news with family and friends, many opt to share the news with the world on YouTube—and if they are creative enough, these videos go viral.

We all remember the wife that labeled her husband's booze "Daddy's beer," capturing his less-than-thrilled reaction, but this couple's video is going viral thanks to its tribute to one of the most known theme songs in pop culture.

One couple decided to announce their baby news with a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air pregnancy rap.

Jesse and Mellisa Meek chose to share their exciting news with distant family and friends by rapping about their journey.

"So we said let's do a song, or a rap, think of something to do," says Meek. "And I just started playing around with some words and the Fresh Prince tune kept coming to mind and then Jesse said he was doing the same thing and the same tune was coming to his mind."

Set to the Fresh Prince theme music that is playing in the car as the couple drives around, Jesse starts the rap off about how their "life got flipped-turned upside down," filming it on a cell phone.

The Oregon couple nod their heads to the beat as Mellisa explains how they got their first house and how much their lives together ruled when their "family and friends started asking questions about parenthood."

Although they told everyone they were not ready to be parents, they lied and after two short month of trying, the couple could finally announce their baby news.

"Looked at the test, it was finally there," Mellisa raps, "the little plus sign; we're now three not a pair."

The couple uploaded the the video to YouTube on April 5 and views jumped from 107,000 on Saturday to over 1.3 million on Tuesday.

"It was completely unexpected. Like, that was the last thing we thought would happen, that it would blow up to what it had, or what it has," Mellisa says.

The couple says they may even consider filming a part two when it's time to reveal the gender of the baby.

Watch the Fresh Prince pregnancy rap below.

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Photo: Jesse Meek| YouTube

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