Scientists were finally able detect the factors and mechanisms that influence mosquitoes to be attracted to unsuspecting humans. As mosquitoes can bring numerous types of infections and diseases, knowing how to repel them is equally important as knowing what triggers them to attack.

In the study published in the journal Current Biology, the scientists found that when mosquitoes perceive carbon dioxide, a high extent of attraction to visual features may be present. Heat on the skin is also said to provide a suitable target for landing of the mosquitoes. This thermal feature is said to be independent of the carbon dioxide trigger, according to the study. With this, the three senses—vision, olfaction and touch (heat)—influence the host-seeking behaviours of the mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes should be avoided at all times because aside from the discomfort and itch it leaves on the skin, mosquito bites may also cause life-threatening infections such as dengue hemorrhagic fever and malaria. Interventions that can help to repel mosquitoes may be performed to avoid the wide range of negative effects that these insects can bring. Tips to avoid pesky mosquito bites, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) include:

  • Don clothing that can cover the entire body such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks and gloves.

  • When going in mosquito-prone areas, wear clothing that are pretreated with permethrin or treat existing clothing. This substance is an active mosquito repellant that stays on the clothes even after multiple washes.

  • Apply topical mosquito repellents, whether it be in the form of spray, lotion or liquid solution. Re-apply repellants as necessary.

  • Know the peak times when mosquitoes bite. Although these insects bite any time of the day, vectors of specific diseases such as dengue and chikungunya disease usually bite from dawn to dusk.

  • Set up bed nets to protect self from mosquitoes while sleeping.

  • If possible, use air conditioner and seal windows and doors with screens that can tightly secure the openings of the house.

Mosquito repellents in the US are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With this, the CDC recommends the public to use products that are registered under the EPA as the public can be assured that these products were tested for safety and optimal effects.

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