"Look behind you: at dune after dune of drifting half-forgotten terrors," opens the new trailer for the upcoming Mad Max video game, revealing scenes from the vast wasteland that gamers will be able to explore for themselves.

In the Mad Max game, players take on the lone warrior, making sure that his weapons and equipment are up to par for surviving in a hellish post-apocalyptic world — in which Max will traverse the world's outposts on an Interceptor, taking on missions and side quests.

"A daring shot at survival might be the only shot you get," reads the game's official website. "Fighting off your enemies is just the beginning. Your struggle continues as you battle your way through the Wasteland's ever-present dangers — all to build the ultimate survival vehicle, the Magnum Opus."

The new trailer – jam-packed with action – focuses particularly on the outposts scattered across the game's world, each complete with its own story and unique characters.

In Mad Max, you must visit each outpost to solve a puzzle, as you fight off the dangers of the Wasteland — and that of the evil Scrotus, the Wasteland's overlord. In doing so, you must take on uneasy alliances to defeat Scrotus once and for all.

But if you expect the Mad Max video game to tie into the franchise's latest movie, Mad Max: Fury Road, you'll wind up disappointed: the game has nothing to do with the hit film. Instead, you get to play Max in a brand-new adventure.

"In a world gone mad, only the savage survive," reads the description. "In the Wasteland, it's every man for himself. Playing as reluctant warrior, Mad Max, you must embark on a treacherous journey to build the ultimate war vehicle, and leave the madness behind."

Mad Max comes out on September 1 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Pre-orders get The Ripper, an additional upgradeable Magnum Opus car body.

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