Despite the fact they can't seem to agree on anything politically, Washington, D.C., was declared the fittest city in America, according to the American College of Sports Medicine's American Fitness Index.

Perhaps all that arguing is good for your health. Who knew?

So, while D.C. topped the ACSM list, Memphis, Tenn., came in last among the 50 cities that were part of the fitness index.

ACSM researchers used various criteria in determining their index, as the report explains. "The (AFI) reflects a composite of personal health measures, preventive health behaviors, levels of chronic disease conditions, as well as environmental and community resources and policies that support physical activity," the report states. "In addition, demographic and economic diversity are included for each metropolitan area to illustrate the unique attributes of each city."

After D.C., the fittest U.S. cities in the top five were Minneapolis, Portland, Ore., Denver, San Francisco and San Jose, Calif. Joining Memphis in the bottom five were Louisville, Ky., at 49; Oklahoma City, Okla., at 48; Indianapolis; Carmel, Ind., at 47; and Nashville, Tenn., at 46.

Interestingly, New York, the largest metropolitan area in terms of population in the United States, came in at number 24.

The report is designed to help leaders assess their city's strengths and challenges and advocate for policy changes and investments necessary to make improvements in a community's health and fitness.

The methodology used in the study for determining the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States was largely defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget using data from the U.S. Census Annual Estimates of Population. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) were chosen as the unit of measurement  because they represent, the report explains, the group of counties comprising the larger urban areas where residents live, work and access community resources.

As for the health-related data used to determine the actual fitness index, 31 currently available indicators were identified and weighted for the index and 16 description variables were selected, as outlined above.

Drilling down even further, the report included data on park-related expenditures, tennis courts and other public sports facilities, mental health statistics, fruit consumption, percentage of obese residents, swimming pools per 1,000 residents, and acres of parkland per 1,000 residents.

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