For the past months of experiencing the pandemic, many initiatives have been created. And throughout, Governments and health authorities for each country are working together to look for any way out to the coronavirus pandemic. Tech companies contribute by formulating apps and tools to support battling the virus while protecting the welfare of the people. With the aim of the betterment, Google and Apple announced their efforts to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help reduce the spread of the virus by tracing any exposures with the virus; but still with user privacy and security.

Since it has been recognized that the COVID-19 can be transmitted through close proximity to affected individuals, public health officials have identified that having an app that can trace any near contact to the virus will be a valuable tool to contain its spread. 

Given the crucial need, Google and Apple's initiative is to implement a solution that includes operating-system-level technology and application programming interfaces (APIs) while maintaining powerful protections around users' privacy. However, this still brought confusion to many users and private entities on how to execute the App without exposing personal information across the internet and including the automatic installation allegation.

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The Contact- Tracing App

So, what is the Contact- Tracing App? It's a fully-featured app with optional features such as GPS and Bluetooth, which can be installed with consent in the app store. This is designed to allow communities around the world to prevent transmission through real-time information. The Contact tracing App uses algorithms and GPS/Bluetooth data to notify users of potential exposure. 

Creating a tool of tracking and contacting people who have been potentially exposed to a contagious disease is groundbreaking yet questionable to some. But we can't blame the society's reaction, for there are numerous reports where the same Tech companies have breached security. 

Answering the Allegations 

Google and Apple made sure to its users that the newly released application has banned location sharing. The Silicon Valley titans also released a set of requirements for tech companies, including independent developers. They have raised these requirements that only Government health authorities can create apps. These apps must get users' consent before using the Exposure Notification API and sharing test results with public health authorities. Lastly, personal data collection must be minimized and used for health response only, which also concludes that this App must be voluntarily installed on the user's device. 

"All of us at Apple and Google believe there has never been a more important moment to work together to solve one of the world's most pressing problems. Through close cooperation and collaboration with developers, governments, and public health providers, we hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life." as Apple stated on their website. 

Having this assurance from the Tech Giants, the degree of control over what personal data gets tracked, and who can access it is still in the smartphone user's decision. 

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