Gaming is an expensive hobby, no one can argue that. Between the cost of consoles or PC parts, online subscriptions and the games themselves, video games are one of the more expensive forms of leisure.

Thankfully, that's not always the case: twice a year, Valve unleashes its seasonal sales. At first, that might not sound like much...but these are sales unlike anything gamers will ever see. Entire catalogues for a few dollars, new games for half-price, the coveted 90-percent discount...Valve's season sales are on an entirely different level from anything else in the industry.

The only trouble with these sales is that no one knows when they're about to hit. Valve keeps quiet about its sales for as long as humanly possible: even now, with just a few days left in May, no one knows when the Steam Summer Sale is going to be live. For an event that typically dominates the gaming landscape in June, it's amazing that no one knows when it'll actually begin...until now.

According to the Russian social media site VKontakte (translated by Destructoid), the Steam Summer Sale is set to officially begin on June 11. From there, the sale will run for a week and a half before ending on June 20; the final two days of the Summer Sale will be dedicated to encore sales, which are made up of the best deals from throughout the event.

If the rumors are true, then gamers have less than two weeks before the sale starts. A June 11 start date does fit in with Valve's previous schedules, and the source behind the rumors is Valve's official Russian pages - as far as rumors go, this one's looking pretty good. The full post reads:

"Steam Sale starts June 11 at 20:00 Moscow time.

June 20 will begin "Sale Encore," which will involve all the companies that participated in the Summer Sale. The very sale ends June 22 at 20:00 Moscow time. The events and other details so far unknown.

Also we advise to read our guidance on sales, not to spend all the money in one day."

Prepare your wallet: nothing stops Valve. Expect to see the Steam Summer Sale launch on June 11.

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