Tech'Pokemon Go' Creator Niantic Partners with Fold to Launch a New Crypto-Hunting AR Game Niantic is partnering up with Fold to create a "Pokemon Go" style Bitcoin-hunting AR game. Learn more!by Urian B.
ScienceBotswana Mulls Lifting Elephant Hunting Ban And Turning Animal's Meat Into Pet Foodby Rubi Valdez
ScienceVeteran South African Hunter Crushed To Death As Elephant Gets Gunned Down And Collapses On Himby Katrina Pascual
CultureWhy Was 'Pokémon GO' So Popular? Researchers Attribute It To People Unleashing Their Inner Huntersby Livia Rusu
ScienceBats Waggle Head Like Dogs: Flying Mammal Uses Adorable Behavior To Catch Their Preyby Rhodi Lee
ScienceCats Utilize Physics? Study Says Cats Understand Physics And Use Law Of Cause And Effect To Detect Hiding Preyby Rhodi Lee
ScienceIf You Forgot What Terror Was Like ... It's The Trap-Jaw Spider - With Lightning Strike!by James Maynard
Google App 'AI Mode' For Android Lets Users 'Talk' Directly to Search, Multimodal Capabilities Available