HealthStudy: Regulating Gut Bacteria May Help Ease Symptoms Of Anxiety A meta-analysis of several studies showed that eating well and taking probiotics may help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. The study highlighted the importance of regulating gut bacteria to positively impact anxiety Maui Hermitanio
HealthProbiotic Cocktail: Research Finds Baby Poop A Good Source Of Beneficial Probioticsby Athena Chan
HealthEating Yogurt Linked To Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk In Individuals With High Blood Pressureby Allan Adamson
HealthProbiotics In Yogurt Can Help Improve Cognitive Function Of Alzheimer's Disease Patientsby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessBacteria That Regulates Mouth PH May Pave Way For Anti-Cavity Pillby Angela Laguipo
The Browser Company Launching New AI Browser in Early 2025: CEO Josh Miller Shows Prototypes of Its Features