Gaming buffs got the first dosage of the Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice after Activision unwrapped its first official gameplay footage at Gamescom.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is geared with multiple features, including health bars, Shinobi prosthetic tools, and tougher enemies. Unlike Dark Souls and Bloodborne, FromSoftware's upcoming action title requires precise timing in averting attacks and authoring crafty openings.

The game, which is set in Japan during the Sengoku Era, sends users on a mission of rescuing a kidnapped master they have committed to protect. On the adventure to find him, users encounter a handful of roadblocks that include samurais and knobbly beasts.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is now available for preorder and will launch on Windows PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on March 22 next year. The game is currently accessible to demo at Gamescom.

Comprehensive Weapons And Huskier Opponents

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is set to provide gaming connoisseurs with weapon kits that range from the Shinobi Prosthetic Tools and Prosthetic Tools that are used in defeating stronger enemies. To generate Shinobi Prosthetic Tools such as the Axe and Flamespout, users need to use the White Spirit Emblems, which can be found around the world and from crushing opponents.

At present, users are only awarded 15 White Spirit Emblems, but developers have confirmed that gamers can upgrade the limit. Users are also given an option to combine attacks with the assistance of the Shinobi Prosthetic Flamespout Tool.

The rudimentary prosthetic arm of the main character likewise grants users with side weapons such as the grappling hook, which is consumed in reaching high locations to stay out of sight. The most distinct component of the game is its capability to provide users with an ability to rejuvenate themselves if they die.

On the other hand, tougher opponents such as the Mid-bosses will be armed with diamonds above their health bars, which operate as reserve health. To move past them, users must clear their opponent's health bars more than once by engaging multiple attacks or making use of the Shinobi Finisher. The Shinobi Finisher can be performed to completely wipe out health bars.

Health bars of mid-bosses are displayed at the top corner, thus enabling users to shift their attention to smaller enemies. Meanwhile, the Chained Ogre is granted with special attacks, as it has grapple points in certain stages of the fight. The game also takes advantage of Sculptor's tools as checkpoints instead of bonfires.

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